Jetzt unverbindlich testen!
Simply call our landline number 02680/7944899 and experience how our AI Answering Machine records and replays messages.
No sales calls, no employee interaction, no registration required, no hidden agendas –
just a transparent insight into the capabilities of our trusted AI technology.
- 24/7 Transcription Service:
The Answering Machine provides a 24/7 service to convert voice messages into text, allowing for immediate written documentation of all incoming calls.
- Intelligent Speech Recognition:
Sophisticated algorithms ensure accurate transcriptions that understand dialects and industry-specific terminology.
- Automatic Transcript Forwarding:
Automatic forwarding of transcribed phone calls to predefined email inboxes or other internal systems.
- Message Filtering and Prioritization Capability:
The bot analyzes and prioritizes incoming messages based on urgency and topic.
- Support for Multiple Languages:
The Voicebot can recognize and transcribe calls in various languages.
- Statistics and Reports:
Detailed reports on call volume.